About the Portal

Within the OptimaSteel project, tools are being collected and evaluated that are intended to make the workplace easier and better for employees, especially in the steel processing industry, but also to improve the quality of life in everyday life. This ranges from tools for raising awareness of nutrition and physical activity up to the use of sensors to evaluate living habits. This should and can lead to a change in living habits and thus lead to longer fitness and health in old age - even beyond the workplace. With the OptimaSteel ToolPortal a standard tool is made available, which gives information on solutions and allows the management of those, including the addition of test results and evaluation insights.

Public Access

The OptimaSteel ToolPortal is accessible via web browser and allows an anonymous read only access to the previously stored data. The user can choose and filter which aspects s/he is interested in or browse the full list of entries. Powerful search functionalities are provided. For adding and managing data there are several roles available, access for editing rights must be granted by the OptimaSteel consortium.

Technical Overview

The ToolPortal is a database application whose fields and entry masks are freely configurable. In addition to data acquisition, great importance was given to providing an application that not only manages data on applications, but also records their use and provides evaluations. The development of the portal is based on the Model-View-Controller pattern, where development is separated into the components data model, presentation and program control. This allows complete flexibility and separation of the program components. The basis is a relational database, which can be designed flexibly. In addition to the predefined standard fields, system administrators can create fields and generate their own entry screens to cover specific requirements. During development and design, great importance is attached to ensuring that the look and feel of the system is consistent throughout, so that the user can quickly find his way around every page of the system.

Please access the portal by clicking on the image below: